Tshirt Designs Released
19 July 2024
We are thrilled to show you our two new GreazeFest t-shirt designs for 2024.
The first is the 1939 Chevrolet open top with big box guitar and pinstriping trim (pictured right).
Printed single-sided on 100% cotton slim cut Gildan shirts.
IF YOU HAVE ORDERED YOUR T-SHIRT IN ADVANCE, THIS IS THE T-SHIRT THAT WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU AT GREAZEFEST. Please note tshirts are no longer on sale in advance (from July 23), please visit the event to get your tshirt.
The second design is the GreazeFest flying eyeball and crossed brushes (pictured left).
Printed single-sided on 100% cotton slim cut Gildan shirts.
Be sure to visit the Merch Stall when you get to GreazeFest to secure your favourite design in your size.